SCC Windows Replacement Project – Temporary Closure of F&B Outlets

Dear Members,

Due to the deteriorating condition of the SCC Clubhouse building windows, the Club is embarking on a windows replacement project that will be implemented in phases to minimise inconvenience to our members.

However, replacing the windows unfortunately still necessitates the temporary closure of our F&B outlets, As such, please note the following schedule:

  • Phase 1: Padang Restaurant, Padang Kitchen, Victoria Room & Gilmour Room
    – Closed 25 June to 14 August
  • Phase 2: The Oval & Verandah
    – Closed 15 August to 30 August
  • Phase 3: Stumps
    – Closed 28 August 22 to 19 September

While the outlets above are closed, the rest will remain operational.

We apologise in advance for the inconvenience this project may cause, and thank you for your understanding as we renovate and give our conservation building the care it needs.

Club Management
Singapore Cricket Club